Friday, 23 October 2015

How to customize the login page in WebCenter Portal Builder

One of the common requirements we have when building a portal using Oracle Portal Builder (or WebCenter Spaces as it used to be called) is to customize the login page. As you know, the login page comes out of the box with portal builder:

and it's not maintained in JDeveloper as it normally would be when developing the portal with WebCenter Portal Framework.

In Portal Builder it is possible to customize a set of out of the box System Pages:

These pages are common for all portals, and they can be customized to meet our requirements. For some of them is also possible to create different page variants for different mobile renderings. The system pages we are usually interested to modify are:
  • Login page 
  • Welcome page 
  • Error encountered page 
  • Page Not found 
  • No Page accessible 
For more information about system pages, please refer to Oracle documentation.

We are interested in the first 2 pages of this list, Login and Welcome pages.

Both pages contain login functionality, but the redirection to welcome page happens after logout and when I try to access the homepage of WebCenter portal (i.e. hitting the hostname:port/webcenter URL), while the login page appears whenever I try to access any other protected page or when the current session expires (e.g. hostname:port/webcenter/portal/builder/administration).

So in order to provide a custom login page we will have to customize both pages; for simplicity, we will apply the same customization for both (we could otherwise customize the welcome page putting a link to the login page, to have the login components only in one page).

The solution proposed here consists in developing a custom login ADF Task Flow, which will contain the fragment with the login components.

This task flow will be then deployed to Portal Server as part of a shared library, which will be referenced from WebCenter Portal via the Portal Extension project.

To read more about how the Portal Extension work, refer to the Oracle documentation.

To properly write the code for the new login page, it's useful to have a look at how the OOTB Login task flow provided from WebCenter Portal. To access the code, it's enough to have the 'WebCenter Spaces View' library in the classpath in JDeveloper, then in the spaces-web.jar file access the fragment:

in this page you can copy paste some of the components you need in the new fragment, making sure to maintain the same EL expressions, in order not to lose any functionality.

For example, you may end up with something like this: 

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
 <af:subform id="loginForm" 
     defaultCommand="#{(o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.OAMEnabled || o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.WLS) 
                       ? 'submitLogin' : 'submitLoginiServlet'}">
    <af:panelGroupLayout  id="logfrmpgl1" layout="vertical" inlineStyle="width:1000px"> 
    <af:outputText id="opt2" rendered="#{sessionScope.o_w_wa_loginFailedText}" 
                   inlineStyle="color:Red;" binding="#{sessionScope.o_w_wa_loginFailed}"
    <af:panelFormLayout inlineStyle="white-space:nowrap;" id="logfrmpfl1">
    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LOGIN_USER_NAME}"
                             labelStyle="color:black" styleClass="loginfield" id="logfrmplam1">
        <input type="text" id="username" name="j_username"
               maxlength="200" class="WCInputText" size="30" autocomplete="off"/>
        <input type="hidden" id="wcEncoding" name="j_character_encoding"
    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="#{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LOGIN_PASSWORD}"
                             labelStyle="color:black"  styleClass="loginfield" id="logfrmplam2">
        <input type="password" name="j_password"
               maxlength="50" class="WCInputText" size="30" autocomplete="off"/>
    <af:commandButton id="submitLoginiServlet" partialSubmit="false"
                      rendered="#{!(o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.OAMEnabled ||  o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.WLS)}"
                      text="#{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LOGIN_LOGON_BUTTON} ">
      <af:clientListener type="action" method="wcPostLoginForm"/>
    <af:commandButton id="submitLogin" partialSubmit="false" 
                      styleClass="logbtn" disabled="#{security.authenticated}" 
                      rendered="#{o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.OAMEnabled || o_w_wa__i_v_w_Login.WLS}" 
                      text="#{uib_o_w_w_r_WebCenter.LOGIN_LOGON_BUTTON} "/>
    <trh:script id="edvkloastar94" text="
        function wcPostLoginForm(event)
          var form = document.forms[0];
          form.action = 'wcAuthentication/j_security_check';

If you copy paste the code from the OOTB task flow, just make sure to replace (like in the code above) 'requestScope' with 'sessionScope' for the invalid credentials outputText binding, otherwise the message won't appear in case of wrong login. 

After the TF is correctly packaged into a WAR shared library and deployed to Portal Server, you need to make sure the Task Flow is available in a resource catalog. To see how to edit a resource catalog at runtime, please check the Oracle documentation

Then enable this resource catalog for editing the system pages, in:

Administration > General > Resource catalog for Business Role Pages

Then go to the system pages section, and select Customize for the Login page:

Once in edit mode, move to the Structure tab:

On the right hand side, you can edit the properties of the components on the page; make sure you hide the existing boxes on the page, using right click then Hide Component:

Then select the main container (panelGroupLayout) and press the Plus icon, then select 

Web Development > Box:

then make sure the Display Options properties of the Box are setup appropriately:

Then select the new Box fro the structure pane, and click again the Plus icon, then select the new Task Flow we just created before:

Save the page and close.

Repeat the same procedure on the welcome page.

Consider that you can do as many changes as you want to the page, here only a very basic implementation is provided just to show the customization functionality.
You can also customize the task flow itself from the structure pane:

but consider that all the changes you make in this case will be run time changes, so they will be lost once you redeploy the shared library or you reset the changes from the administration section. So the advice is to reflect every changes in the actual fragment for the login task flow.

If you logout now, you should be able already to see the new login implementation:

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